Goods Moi-Meme-Moitie Discussion


Jul 12, 2017
I think her being sad if there are quality issues is normal, however if it was for not being credited? design work and contracts do not often have that stipulation where you get the luxury of being named. a local Japanese designer also commented on the matter "that is just normal.", so maybe they were nice about just mentioning her involvement in the past due to personal relationship but I doubt there was anything in paper where it was laid out that she must be named so, she got paid for the designs and then it is over kind of thing, especially under a new company managing the Intellectual Properties they now hold as their own I would not imagine that they would ever go out of their way to start naming older things they were not directly involved in so.
Definitely being upset about quality is the right of the consumer though for sure, I hesitate to buy any new stuff and just stick to vintage because of things I hear so hopefully this changes...


Mar 2, 2007
Paris (France)
Her tweet is pretty vague so the source of what makes her sad can indeed be interpreted in many ways.

Thanks for the info regarding the comment you saw.

At the end the day, we don't know what her contract with Midi:Nette / Moitie was like.

I'll just wait & see and think carefully about where I will put my money from now on.

Tanaqro has lost my trust anyway. They have already deleted my comments twice by now, so I've seen their suspicious behaviour first-hand.


Oct 17, 2008
Fans are angry because the company does not want to accept constructive criticism, the only thing they do is delete comments, and the Japanese fans, because of their way of being, Japanese culture, criticize but "hiding" (if that make sense). Tanaqro should accept the criticism and say something like "thank you for your comments, we are aware of the low quality of some garments and we will work on improving their manufacture."

For example, the old lining they used inside the jackets was an embroidered pattern, and the new one is just a dye print on a generic blue fabric:

Old silk lining pre Tanaqro:

Captura de pantalla 2022-12-27 a la(s) 17.02.33.png

New generic blue fabric lining:


And, the new Neo Gothic Arch JSK from 2018... I remember touching the silver print and realizing is more like a plastic transfer on the fabric, with glitter, a lot of glitter, that stuck to my hands LOL


Well at least their silver (925) jewelry look premium, not like their other jewelries made of tin that look and feel cheap ass hell hahaha


Oh! and this new print from the winter set announced at the Tea Party is clearly a plastic transfer, one of those heat-glued print usually found on T-Shirt, over time (sometime after days of use) it will flake off the fabric:

x-005112023-7_1800x1800.png x-005112023-5_1800x1800.png


And finally, we are not attacking Mana (I think he's just an employee of Tanaqro, used as the Image of the brand), and the Alice Kobayashi drama? eehhmm ok, but this is more a critic with fundaments... The quality of the garments leaves a lot to be desired and they don't want to accept it or make a mea culpa.

People tend to defend things because of the fear of losing something they love, so they don't want to accept critics even agreeing with them. TLDR: They will defend Moitie/Tanaqro because they don't want the brand to disappear.
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Mar 2, 2007
Paris (France)
Thank for all this info!

TLDR: They will defend Moitie/Tanaqro because they don't want the brand to disappear.

I'd prefer the brand not to exist anymore rather than to exist in such a state. Like someone I follow said, I would have rather watched them exit with grace rather than stick around, damage this bad their image & what people will remember them for.


Jul 12, 2017
wow thank you for those detailed points on the change in quality. . .

that is crazy, especially the transfer, that def will flake over time. . . I would not buy that.
So for the like recent fan meet thingies you have to buy new moitie? and then get tickets like an instore?
If so that is def grounds for lots of anger in itself.

It is really true that Japanese fans will not openly criticize >.<... It would be nice to see them actually listen to this recent flow of comments and maybe mana saying he wants to protect the brand means that he actually will do something about it.

*The comment from a Japanese designer I mentioned wasn't on twitter but rather someone I know here in that industry.


Oct 17, 2008
So for the like recent fan meet thingies you have to buy new moitie? and then get tickets like an instore?

Yeah, I read on TW that some fans bought Moitie clothes just so they could attend the Tea Party and see the band members from Kizu, Psycho le Cemu, etc and now those fans are selling the clothes on Mercari, So those 50ish fans who went to the event, not all of them were fans of Mana or Moitie.


Jul 12, 2017
Yeah, I read on TW that some fans bought Moitie clothes just so they could attend the Tea Party and see the band members from Kizu, Psycho le Cemu, etc and now those fans are selling the clothes on Mercari, So those 50ish fans who went to the event, not all of them were fans of Mana or Moitie.

Ouch thats a bad intro to the brand if they got some cheap quality stuff : (


Aug 4, 2004
Vintage Live House, 1994
The tarot card book is up for order at Wunderwelt now, but the shipping to the US is 3000Y (or six pentacles). I wonder if I should order anything else. What can you even order there?
I could use some new socks but most of the "socks" there seem to be tights.


Aug 4, 2004
Vintage Live House, 1994
New Moitie product: a " '90s bangya trunk"?
Is this what bangya used in the '90s? What for? Why were people demanding this? At any rate, the supreme lord of darkness is nothing if not customer-focused and now everyone who wants one of these can have one, I guess.

I could use some new socks but most of the "socks" there seem to be tights.
And I ordered the least tights-like socks, so there XD


Aug 4, 2004
Vintage Live House, 1994
And I ordered the least tights-like socks, so there XD
For anyone curious what the difference is between a Moitie sock and other leading competitors in the same price bracket, I did a little comparison.

There doesn't seem to be all that much variation in the possible ways a sock can be made - there is only one "sock knit" more or less, and only a handful of different ways to form the heel and toe. As near as I can tell, Moitie and Competitors 1 and 2 are all constructed similarly. The main difference is that the competitors have "cuffs" at the top to secure the sock in place (and no lace or ribbons), while the Moitie sock of course has Official Moitie lace and a red matte ribbon. It has the same construction all the way up from the ankle to the knee.

Material is where the real differences come into play.
The Moitie sock possesses an extraordinary degree of elastication and I think the figure of 70% cotton / 30% nylon is probably correct. It will indeed fit a wide variety of sizes, as advertised. One sock is about 2mm thick and feels almost like a crew sock.
Competitor #1 is 100% cotton and about 1.5mm thick.
Competitor #2 is 42% silk, 40% cotton, and the remainder synthetics, and is about 1.25mm thick.
The competitors will each fit a range of roughly three shoe sizes.

Anyway, what I learned from all this is that nobody really knows anything about socks and there are barely even words to describe how socks are manufactured.


Aug 4, 2004
Vintage Live House, 1994
... Is that just a tablecloth with a neck hole cut in it? Or a "bedsheet ghost" Halloween costume? What am I looking at? :lol: There's no tailoring here, something has gone seriously wrong.

Because of the ongoing Twitter issues, I temporarily removed the auto-redirect. Seems like the only way to view Twitter right now is via direct links to single tweets on the official server.


-night vision-
night vision
Jul 25, 2023
Hi, I've seen some more recent posts on Twitter (or X smh) of certain clothing designs from Moi-Même-Moitié that I hadn't seen before I don't think. I saw it through Atelier Pierrot Osaka's profile today (the post was from yesterday). But from what I'm seeing, they are excellent options for the summer.
But saying in my defense, if it is old, it is not a very memorable design nor very characteristic of the brand.




-night vision-
night vision
Jul 25, 2023
Or a "bedsheet ghost" Halloween costume? What am I looking at? :lol:

Wow, that sucks, that's exactly what I thought. That piece has no shape whatsoever (except for the shape of a bell). I don't think even if you added some sort of petticoat under or corset over it, it would take shape. I do have a few caveats though, this is an excellent gothic sheet lmao.... Nah, but seriously... One of the best prints I've seen, however, very poorly put together, though, I wish the blue was a bit darker, despite the compliments.

Yeah, you can't get them all right, I guess.


-night vision-
night vision
Jul 25, 2023
Here you go.
All the reactions I've seen are people just as shocked as me

View attachment 1833

I had to search for this model a little deeper, because of the print that captivated me so much and I ended up finding a "different version" that for me is much more beautiful, posted by Mana account. Was he trying to convince that the model is good and KERA SHOP posted the wrong model? lol


-night vision-
night vision
Jul 25, 2023
The body harness ties the outfit together a lot better, though I am of the opinion that most things are improved by body harnesses.
Body Harness are good for waist definition and bust lifting, so I'm completely with you on that. But the factor of the print being different also improves. Even if the first one (the bluer one posted above by Lempicka) had a body harness, the black wouldn't exactly adorn anything (it gives me a Bara No Seidou cover vibe), what made the body harness fit was the choice of the print color in the second one, having more elements of black itself than dark blue like in the first one.

The Body Harness helped define the waist of the mannequin, very nice. A corset would have helped too.