Prince S-Questions


Apr 13, 2019
I wanted to discuss with alls the "Merveilles" concept. To better understand the concept of the album it is better to take into account the order of the songs. album or the.concert.

I never got it clear nor what they really want. Express with the works. although you always have an idea.

Greetings to all
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Jul 18, 2010
Interesting. Once I read an explanation, which said that the order of the songs and their meaning, tell a story, a sad and tragic story.


Aug 4, 2004
Vintage Live House, 1994
I never really saw it as a concept album with a story of any kind, more like a collection of the members' personalities and musical styles.
The sheer number of ways they staged "merveilles" concerts, from the early "Sur TV" footage through the "L'espace" live, also hints that there isn't one correct interpretation of the album.


-night vision-
night vision
Feb 22, 2010
I would have loved to see that too...because I have some difficulties seeing the connection between Illuminati and Le ciel etc.


Jul 18, 2010
I found a translation on a Spanish page...

This is not MY interpretation, it is a translation made by "Yuzuki deshita" and "eternal cave" on the web ""
In turn, it is based on an article in a website that no longer works, ""

NOTE: There are references to phrases of the lyrics of the songs, these phrases are "in quotes"

According to that interpretation, the Disc "merveilles" is a continuation of the story we see in the movie VERTE AILE ~ D'IMAGE ~

NOTE 2: I do not know why, but the person who made this interpretation, refers to the protagonist of the story with the name "Zir"

1. Merveilles ~ (...of wonders)

The sounds present an image of the old town where the story takes place, and at the end of the trip through the town the door of the album opens and you enter "Merveilles". In this case, I do not think it's something French. It is more like an idealized France of Malice Mizer.

2. Syunikiss ~ the second regret ~

It sounds as if this song started from the point where the movie "Bel Air" left us, in which Zir finds the woman he loves just at the moment he dies, for an undisclosed reason. It's as if that was simply her destiny, related to the fact that she is a witch. Zir tries to resuscitate her by praying to a god, with the words that she said before her death, to what the god agrees. However, she returns to life
without soul (or heart), and no longer loves or recognizes it. He just stares at the sky, as if he wanted to be free of that body again. Although he asks God again and again to "give back his heart", he can not bring his soul back. Finally, he realizes that he will never be able to return her to the way he was, but will only make her live in a state where he is conscious but still between life and death ... Therefore, he asks God to take her back so that I finally rest in peace. Everything ends with sad Zir, beginning to say goodbye to her.

3. Bel Air ~ (in the vacuum of time / gone with the wind ) ~

The "master of time" may be a reference to the Babylonian god El, who was the owner of time.
For Zir, time stops while he continues to hold the lifeless body of his beloved.
Or at least, he tries to convince himself that he has stopped him. But he soon realizes that he is not like that, and is forced to admit that she has escaped the pain of living. However, he is still alive, and he wonders if she can still remember him, now that she is dead. Suddenly, Zir faces the reality of being alone and subject to the rules of time, which not only led to his true love but also forces him to continue living without it. She begins to "paint scenes" of her memories of the moments together, since a part of herself refuses to accept that she has really departed. The other part, deep down, knows it. Zir remembers her smiling at her from
the sky and it launches towards her, but her smile is replaced by a vision of her floating towards infinity. This forces her to recognize that she will not come back. Zir is still in the fields, but now he has let her go ... figuratively and literally. Although, now, his sanity is more than questionable.


Nimrod, aka Ninus, is a fabled being, king of Assyria. It is said that he tried to build the Tower of Babel to reach heaven, but God threw down the tower. It is also said that he married Queen Semiramis and that he was the base of the Babylonian god of war. Gackt uses them as deities in this case. On the other hand, the Star of David represents the balance and the union of opposites (male / female, sky / earth, etc.). It is also rumored to be the symbol of Nimrod and of Babylonian royalty. It was used in their sexual rites, and it was believed to be useful in raising the dead.

Thus, the hero of Bel Air is a bit resentful over time for having taken his beloved and has not yet resigned. Also, at this point, he has lost faith in any god, and decides to resuscitate her through bad arts. He also decides to stop time, in such a way that he can not die again. Participate in a dark ritual, sacrifice someone, and make a pact with an evil being (I think Baal). And it becomes immortal (that is the reference to the Holy Grail). The line "Magical or Meriment, Communion with Nimrod" alludes to the fact that these orgiastic rituals seem to be more than anything an excuse to satisfy human desires. Zir does not know if this will work. At this point it is somewhat crazy, and from the "distorted face" begins to give signs of
being lost.

5. Brise

The world falls apart while Zir sits in his "empty and lonely white room". The game he plays is a children's game, not a musical one. The room is a metaphor to describe his mind, Zir is still lost in his world, but then his beloved finds him and takes him out of there. She was in heaven, so both are at a point halfway between the earthly and the spiritual where she remains. However, she is not sure what to do, and he convinces her to stay. Towards the end, she is completely real, and the last lines of the song take on a more realistic look than the rest of the song. Your body also takes on a physical, tangible aspect. His prayers to revive it completely have been heard; "By the arrival of this day, he always prayed for miracles." That's why he's been imploring since Syunikiss, after all.

However, this is where you must reason. In any story it is difficult to trust the narrator, especially if he is half crazy. It is possible that from Briseen on, everything has happened in his mind.

6. E-GEE ~ (collections in the wind) ~

Zir remains alone. The room is the one they shared in Brise (which can be interpreted as his mind), and he is still trapped by ancient memories, as time has gone on in the room and he is the only one that has not changed. The reason why I do not think he has died again, or that he must have returned to being a spirit, is the line "you, just smiling in the old movies". This, together with Ju te Veux, makes me believe that she was not happy, so she left him to follow her own path. But I say this because for me the idea of being trapped for all eternity with someone you "love" would be horrible.

continues in the next ... the forum does not let me write more than 1000 words in a post
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Jul 18, 2010
then, sorry for the double post ^^ u

7. Au Revoir

Now he has freed himself of his memories and tries to learn to live as he did before, symbolized in the retreat of his steps and scattered trees. Suddenly, he recognizes all the things he had lost while he was locked in his mind, like the same wind that had drained between his fingers in Brise, and the beauty of the fallen leaves. His love is figuratively dead to him, and he sees her still trapped in the room from which he has already escaped. Everything has a dreamlike aspect, and even he recognizes everything as a dream when he says that all he has left are his "beautiful memories". His figure disappears, along with the dependence he had for her. He still loves her, but resigns himself to the fact that everything will be only a sweet dream from that moment. Literally, he has awakened from the dream, and the real farewell has begun, in his mind.

8. Ju te Veux (i want you)

Here, Zir, freed from the dream, begins to realize that his beloved is dead, and that even if he wanted to, there's no point in confronting her as a being he might want, since she can not feel the same as him, much less reciprocate . Her eyes are empty, she is dead in life, trapped in the room; it is like a moon made of ice, insensible to the fire of its will. Even if I wanted to hug her, the ice would extinguish the traces of love that once kindled her heart. "When I look for your lips, you move me away with your cold fingers". His beloved is trapped in another reality, can not respond to his feelings ... so there is nothing left but to continue with the life he had previously. This encounter with his love is what ends up clarifying his mind: he can only live on memories, because nothing will be what he once was. He can not remain tied to a person who has stopped receiving feelings in his soul.


Zir is already fully aware of the state of reverie in which his beloved continues submerged. To some extent, this song is a continuation of the previous one ... However, he recriminates the fact of continuing to exist, since this becomes useless because of his inability to cry, laugh or feel; He can not deliver love anymore. He quarrels because he exists, and even then he does not have the gesture of giving her a smile, nor a single tear; while all the people around him give beautiful looks. And, apparently, she is not different from the others ... why can not she even look at him? Although, this world around her is too noisy ... and she remains silent.
Zir no longer knows what to think about her, nor what will happen to her in the future ... she only knows that she is an inert being, that she will not be able to reciprocate ...

turn it on! why me! ...

10. The ciel (the heaven)

Here is an unexpected break in history: she shed tears, she calls him with her "sweet voice" (tears are her voice and her words of farewell at the moment of leaving) ... in other words, she lets her know that the cold The embargo is a product of her situation, and not something she really wants. It lets you know that it really belongs to you, even if that earthly body prevents you from showing your feelings. His tears "cut the sky in two" ... his cry is a call to which he can not abstain. He apologizes for forgetting it, even for a small moment ... with eyes blinded by the fault committed, eyes that have been blinded by the earth, and that can only be opened again once he returns to heaven. That is why the "farewell tears": he has decided to return to heaven, and there he will wait until he returns too. His words-or tears-have trapped him ... so he will embrace her tightly, waiting for the moment they meet again, in a new life.
It will not disappoint ...

11. Gekka no Yasoukyoku (nocturne in the moonlight)

Zir walks through the woods and is called by a puppet who asks him to "take him to the mansion." There they find a puppet of a young girl (Mana-sama, of course) who has been waiting for him.
Both puppets begin to dance under the moonlight ... (The same ice moon earlier? .. who knows). He watches them dance, whispering "this is the last night" ... the last night before being born again.
It is true; These puppets are the faithful reflection of their history. What reminds me of the saying "God plays chess with men"
What if the narrator has changed at this time? What if the puppets are indeed Zir and his beloved, trapped in the game of a superior being? Do not forget that Zir had already made pacts with several gods to recover his love. Well, it's the last night they'll dance under the moonlight ... it's the last night trapped in the cold room ... they'll be reborn at last, and in a new life they'll do everything they could not do in the previous one.
That's why he watches them without tears ... it's a beautiful night. He will never forget them. In fact, it is most likely Zir the observer, who sees in the small puppets what will be his fate, and reassures himself by observing the future that awaits him and that is not as terrible as he imagined. We can define something: in that new life, both could unite their souls, and recover what is lost in death. However ... in order to rediscover his beloved, he must purge the guilt; he has fallen into too many bad actions in his eagerness to rediscover it. To be able to return to heaven with her, she must cleanse her spirit.

12. Bois de merveilles (forest of wonders)

This song is a kind of forgiveness for the sins committed. For having used bad arts to recover his beloved ...
Zir begs the fairies to forgive him, to listen to his voice through the woods, to hear his prayer. Unless they listen to it, they can not die in peace, they can not put out their song or return with their love. Thus, he will sing, for eternity if necessary, until the fairies hear his call and free him from guilt ...
Thus, the song of Zir extends throughout the Merveilles Forest ... and is heard by perhaps as many other grieving lovers, warning them that death is not a term, but a rebirth.


all the lyrics are by Gackt, but the concepts and songs are from the whole group, the musical composition of syunikiss is from Yu: ki, iluminati, Brise, Ju te veux and Gekka no Yasoukyoku are from Közi, Le Ciel is from Gackt and all the others from Mana. (Kami in an interview said he collaborated a little in all).

Bearing this in mind, we can say that merveilles, is a conceptual album that totally represents Malice Mizer, in her tragic and dramatic theatrical style.


Aug 4, 2004
Vintage Live House, 1994


Apr 13, 2019
Thanks to Kozifran for the post and the explanation. I think Zir is the name he gave him, each one will put the name he wants as a narrator or person who listens to the record.

If the story is really this I think it is very good and as the others say each component has shared their feelings. Analyzing letter by letter I have some doubts but I think the story makes sense.

I love conceptual albums because I feel closer to the artist who does it. Of his feelings and reasons for composing, like "Bara no seidou" that night in the great sanctuary.


Aug 5, 2004