Yatabe-Guilford Personality Inventory


Aug 4, 2004
Vintage Live House, 1994
Here's a special feature: an English translation of the Yatabe-Guilford Personality Inventory, a personality test commonly used in Japan which is roughly analogous to the MMPI in the English-speaking world. Created by J. P. Guilford and Tatsurou Yatabe, it uses 120 true/false questions to sort you into one of five personality types and rank you by percentile on 12 scales.
While it seems not to be commonly known outside of Japan, the Y-G test is (or was) used in business as well as academia.
As far as I know nobody has ever bothered to translate any of this into English before. Sources used were an authentic Y-G input sheet, plus the book "新性格検査法 Y-G性格検査 実施・応用・研究手引" (1982)

The five types


The 12 scales

D: Depression
C: Cyclic Tendency
(emotional lability)
I: Inferiority Feelings
N: Nervousness
O: Lack of Objectivity
Co: Lack of Cooperativeness
Ag: Lack of Agreeableness
G: General Activity
R: Rhathymia
(easygoingness or getting along with others)
T: Thinking Extraversion
A: Ascendance
(desire or tendency to lead in groups)
S: Social Extraversion

The 120 items
(each can be answered Yes, No, or ? for "don't know/neither")

1. I enjoy meeting and becoming acquainted with various people.
2. After having gone out in public I always feel the need to withdraw/retreat.
3. I enjoy thinking over difficult problems.
4. I want to try out various different jobs.
5. I am usually "in step" with the people around me.
6. I feel discontent when I have nothing to do.
7. I think people in this world don't care about others.
8. I feel happy and sad emotions for no reason.
9. I can't work if people are watching me.
10. I'm always worried whether I'm making a mistake.
11. My face usually shows my feelings plainly.
12. Sometimes I'm just not interested in anything that's going on.
13. I find it difficult to talk to strangers.
14. I tend to take the lead in meetings and such.
15. Sometimes I feel like I want to be alone.
16. I prefer to start projects ahead of schedule.
17. I have confidence in my ability to get a lot of work done under tight deadlines.
18. People tend to act without thinking about what is right.
19. There are a lot of spies and such around.
20. My worries often keep me up at night.
21. I often am annoyed when people visit/approach me.
22. I often miss out on opportunities because of indecisiveness.
23. I am quick to cry when I get agitated.
24. Sometimes I have felt lonely even when I was out among other people.
25. It will be hard for me to make friends in the future.
26. I enjoy doing work for the sake of meetings or groups.
27. I often ponder what people's real motives are for what they do.
28. I'm not good at waiting patiently and quietly.
29. I always have a cheerful reply for others.
30. I have debated things with my superiors unreservedly.
31. I can't depend on even my closest friends.
32. I'll choose my walking routes to avoid people I dislike.
33. My feelings are easily hurt.
34. I worry that I'm being a nuisance to others.
35. I often regret having been irresolute/indecisive.
36. Sometimes I feel worthless.
37. I don't like being the center of attention.
38. I'm more of a listener than a speaker.
39. Before starting things, I often find myself reconsidering them.
40. I always wish something exciting would happen.
41. I keep a smile on my face even when I'm worried.
42. I am impulsive. (I can't stop myself from doing such-and-such)
43. Most people tend to slack off when nobody's watching them.
44. I daydream about outlandish/impossible things.
45. I'm the type who is concerned about the conduct of others.
46. I'm often embarrassed because I blush in front of others.
47. I frequently have mood swings.
48. From time to time, I feel worried for no reason.
49. I have difficulty making friends with the opposite sex.
50. Local volunteers [sewayaku] are always fobbing off their responsibilities on others.
51. I have a bad habit of getting lost in thought right in the middle of a conversation.
52. I often act without thinking things through.
53. I am fastidious about cleaning up at home.
54. I feel I have to speak up when someone is being impolite.
55. I worry that when people are kind it's because of ulterior motives.
56. I can't decide whether I'm smart or stupid.
57. I worry about how others see me.
58. I am troubled by an inferiority complex. (feelings of inferiority toward others)
59. Sometimes I'll get terribly upset over trifling matters.
60. I frequently become lost in thought.
61. I enjoy having a broad social circle.
62. I find it difficult to go out in front of my superiors. [such as for a presentation]
63. I dislike doing anything without having thought it through.
64. I've often made merry with others.
65. I'm usually faster than others at my work.
66. I don't want to just live an ordinary life, I want to do something different.
67. In the final reckoning, I think people are basically motivated by greed.
68. I'm often so worried that I can't sleep.
69. I get distracted from work by unimportant things.
70. I find myself unable to do differently from the others because I'm ashamed.
71. Sometimes my scattered thoughts just won't settle down.
72. I frequently dwell on past mistakes.
73. I can have a good conversation with anyone.
74. I'm worried I'm becoming withdrawn.
75. I'm wary by nature.
76. I'm talkative.
77. I'm lively.
78. I'm short-tempered.
79. I have many discontents.
80. Sometimes I just want to open up to someone.
81. I have a nervous disposition.
82. I get flustered easily.
83. My feelings/moods change easily.
84. I always feel tired.
85. I can't make new friends.
86. I'm good at dealing with people.
87. I have a bad habit of getting lost in thought.
88. I enjoy busy, bustling times like festivals.
89. I quickly grow accustomed even to new things.
90. I get very angry when I feel disrespected.
91. I often try to figure out how other people are feeling.
92. Sometimes I just space out.
93. I'm prone to worry.
94. I fall apart under great stress.
95. I'm excitable.
96. I often get depressed.
97. I'm taciturn.
98. I'm very shy.
99. I'm easygoing.
100. I tend to jump to conclusions.
101. I'm generally good-natured.
102. I try to do all sorts of social activities.
103. I always have bad luck.
104. I enjoy daydreaming.
105. I'm hard to please/particular.
106. Whatever the situation, I don't have self-confidence.
107. I quickly become moody/ill-tempered.
108. I have a tendency to be absent-minded.
109. Going out amongst other people doesn't fluster me.
110. I get shy when it comes to public speaking.
111. I tend to think things over carefully.
112. I am light-hearted.
113. My actions and demeanor are lively.
114. When I'm bored I wish something exciting would happen.
115. I am underappreciated by others.
116. Even when sitting down I can't stay calm.
117. I fret over little things.
118. I am pretty decisive.
119. I am sentimental/emotional.
120. I often get down in the dumps. [have no genki]

Assigning items to scales:


Assigning scales to type points


Determining the type from type points


Fair warning - this was all presumably calibrated on Japanese people and was created back before anyone even tried to ensure any degree of cross-cultural validity. (Do you have an opinion on the sewayaku?) In America the MMPI-1 (now obsolete) was notorious for having been calibrated on white upper-middle-class college students and reporting people from different ethnic or socioeconomic backgrounds as "a bit off". James Butcher has written on how the later editions of the MMPI tried to address some of these issues. It seems a third edition actually came out in 2020 but information about it is still hard to come by for civilians.

Anyhow I'm putting this out there just in case any internet curiosity-seekers happen to stumble on it. Enjoy ::gaku::
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